.fix domain to ip?

i've registered a domain for a company. how do i fix it to a certain ip address?

any help appreciated. thanks.

a guide by guide step is also appreciated. thanks.
September 3, 2005


Boringest said…
are you saying you're hosting it on your own servers or with a webhosting company?
Jimmy Ang said…
i registered a domain from exabytes. and the server will be my ow. how do i configure the dns to acoomodate my ip address?
Jimmy Ang said…
btw boringest, i did a chicklet for your SARA sometime ago.
darry said…
usually the company (Exabytes) will give you a control panel that allows you to manage your domain.

Use that control panel to point your domain to any ip address that you like... and all will be fine, glad to help..
Jimmy Ang said…
thanks mypapit. i think you just might saved my life.
Boringest said…
yeah jimmy..i noticed...thanks alot..wanted to send you an email actually to thank you personally but am in the middle of moving house for this weekend..so a bit busy lately.. =P

and about the domain thing,

1. you have to know the nameservers of your hosting company e.g. ns1.domain.com, ns2.domain.com and put those in the control panel where you buy your domain from.

2. then, tell your own webhosting company your domain if you have not done it already.

Once again, thanks alot. Btw, I've just bought a domain and it's called:


Jimmy Ang said…
this means i should update the boringest.frihost? btw, good job on the coding and design of SARA. looks great. definitely love it's rss system.

i'll update the chicklet with the one provided by you later too. :)

thanks for the advice, but if it's an ip address of my pc?

it won't have ns something... more like 19x.123.124.1 or something like that. right?

thanks. cheers.
Boringest said…
lol..didn't read properly.

hosting your own nameserver's abit complicated...check this link out:


i might be doing one soon, depending on how busy i am...but that was what i googled..so I can't be sure =P

anyway, it's best to change to sarawho.com but you can leave it at boringest.frihost.net at the moment =) both will work.
Jimmy Ang said…
cool. thanks. of much help

btw, changed your link. to sarawho. :)


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