.review of IE7 Beta 1.

image courtesy of clothedandy
It is very clear that, unlike when Microsoft targeted Netscape, they are using their classic method of producing superior software by catering to the needs of the user. This is not IE 6 with a few features borrowed from the competition, but rather a clear step in the evolution of user-centric design. Unfortunately, while it has tabs, it can’t pass the acid test. (No pun intended.) I am impressed that IE 7 has no “dumb default” settings that I would normally rush to change on a fresh upgrade from IE 6. (I hope that someday they turn off the “Recycle Windows on shortcuts” option. It’s stupid.)
Before I continue, I’d like to identify my bias. I stopped using non-Microsoft browsers over two years ago because I found them to be unpolished. Ever since then I’ve been using Crazy Browser. It uses the IE component available to all Windows applications, and it adds tabbed browsing and its own popup blocker. It’s a great program for those of us who prefer IE, but still want tabbed browsing.
- source

new improvements include :

  • tabbed browsing (thank god!)
  • phishing prevention methods
  • add on manager
  • not yet fully css compliant

one word, late....
two words, too late...

Technorati.tag : , , , ,
July 30, 2005


Anonymous said…
crazy browser sounds like Phaseout.
i use Phaseout as my secondary browser. It has tabs and it is faster than firefox.

IE sux

- life Feel
Jimmy Ang said…
before this, i only hear of ff and ie and netscape. also know about the occasional safari for mac... but in one day i've learned of two new side browsers.


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