Woke up & waited for Sastra. I don't know why but they had barred my DIGI. I don't think they implemented my MYR36 / day plan although prev calls explicitly told me it will. Way to go DIGI! I swear I'm going back to Maxis.

getting ready
Anyway, sastra's msg couldn't get through to me by now so I waited till 9.30AM although our appointment was 8.15AM. Apparently he sent a msg saying he could only reach around 9.55. I didn't get that message and after having lunch outside Tune Hotels in a stall called 'warung Murah', we rented a bike.
Warung Murah is a long 66, Legian. Serves economical meals ala Nasi Kandar. Not much varieties but the yellow rice's awesome. But it's not exactly 'murah'.
We went along Legian Beach and rented a seat w/ umbrella. A few topless chicks and I chose the best spot to view it all in. Hanged out there for a while before heading to HRC, Kuta for some shopping & sightseeing.

Sate Madura / Gule was YUUMYLICIOUS!

HRC, Bali was a disappointment. Not much trinklets. The mug they're selling was identical to my Phuket's mug except for the word 'Bali'. Again, we camwhored.

topless chicks along the beach
the only temple we saw in Bali.
Hard Rock Hotel & Cafe.
Kuta beach is a stretch of a walled beaches. I once asked a taxi driver what the wall was for. He said it was to prevent the sand from entering/disturbing the residential & commercial area.
Anyway, here there's a lot more people and a stretch of aunties trying to sell you massages, fruits or even manicures & pedicures. There's also a lot of self proclaimed surf tutors. They seem to approach the female gender better. Sexist bastards. :)
On the way back from the beach after a long stroll, we sat by a restaurant with a large swimming pool & had a sip. A very much deserved break cause any longer & I would've thought my legs would fall apart.
Bintang, favourite Balinese Beer.
After ten, 20 mins down the road, we were approached by two girls selling wrist bands. I wanted to take a picture of the girl so I bought one and asked her to smile for me. But before I could even remove my lens cover, another girl & boy is already surrounding us.
I brought a wristband each from every one and asked them to smile & pose which they delightfully obliged.
My bike was parked at the end of the road and before I reached my bike, I realized I lost my bike keys. I was in deep shit if someone stole my bike so I hurried my pace & was relieved to see the beloved bike. My friend was walking slower as she retraced our steps & asked everyone in every place we visited. She's such a great gal and it was because of her we found our keys. At the last minute, she decided to ask the parking attendant who was patrolling the place. And he asked for tips while holding out a set of keys belonging to our bike. Now, back in the hotel, after freshening up, we're waiting for Sastra to take us out for dinner.
Sastra came rescuing us in an Avanza. I guess he'll be taking us out with that ride. We took the ride out to Kuta andhad Ayam Betutu. A beast of a meal with extraordinary spicy gravy. I literally cried.
After having our meal, we talked about tomorrow and decided to head out to Ubud. It'll be another story to tell.
Anyway, cut a long story short. Sastra left us & we took our own ride down 66. Legian Club. At least that was the intentional plan. Somehow we skidded off the course and I stumbled upon Vi Ai Pi club along Kuta. It had a lovely liveband so we sat there to dwell the rest of the night away.
Day 3 will be out soon...
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March 27, 2011