Day Fifty Six - Pockets & Hearts

It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart. ~Quote from anonymous~

Most of the time, we remember to chase for the things that we want and we forget the things that we need. The simple things that nourish our heart and not feed our ego.

I found this quote on the net and think its a great description for today's shoot. I have another one which will go up tomorrow.

Anyway, this is the view from my office. It is full of bokeh goodness every night, mainly because it overlooks Penang Port which is lit 24/7.

It is tiring.. this 365 thing. Coming up with ideas, editing and in between looking like an idiot setting up a shoot. and its not as if you can get your shot in one go. Usually it takes more than a dozen shots for one.

But I want to go back one day and think about the feelings I have, the day I had and the stupid things I did for this project.

Strobofreaks: F42 on camera right bounced off right wall with umbrella. Power set @ 1/32 TTL.

#56 Pockets & Hearts - original image
daily dose
May 26, 2009


ndru said… my opinion, take pics coz u love them, no need to force for the sake of completing project365. can see that u r trying very 'hard' to do it. anyway thats my opinion.
ndru said… my opinion, take pics coz u love them, no need to force for the sake of completing project365. can see that u r trying very 'hard' to do it. anyway thats my opinion.
Jimmy Ang said…
Oh, Ndru... thanks. But don't get me wrong. It is hard to come up with one every day with new ideas and what not the whole hoopla. But I DO lurve it. I do love looking back at them. Just that ideas seems scarce.

Its like running. You like running but going at it every day for a couple of miles are hard. But you do it everyday for the love of it, no matter how hard.
Jimmy Ang said…
p/s: Don't worry... I won't force myself more than necessary. *_^ Let's go shoot PG Bridge.


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