.Monday blues trip to KL.

I woke up at 4.00 AM yesterday and took my car out to KL. It was a long and tiring journey for the ride that has just came out from the workshop. I'm excited at the same time apprehensive of its performance. If it freaking dies on me halfway... I'd kill someone, anyone.

But the trip was awesome. There were some sleepy moments, some "almost died" moments and crazy stunts... but it turned out ok.

Anyway, the pharmacist dispensing medicine which I've previously met was there. I waited impatiently for my turn to be called. Only to know that I got dispensed by another lady... damn spoil.

Anyway, Friday is Labour's Day! Damn excited. What are your plans? Let's celebrate.


Project 365 Update

Yesterday we iz go to Kuala Lumpur and back.

#28 Long journey - view in black
April 28, 2009


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