
Sickness is like an accident, it comes when you least expects it. it takes all your breath and leaves you wondering about the darkness which engulfs you.

People say the young ones are spared from sickness. The young ones are the strong ones. But when accident happens, it strikes us all how fragile life can be. It strikes us all how much strength we need in times like this. It strikes us all that age is no barrier, age is not an exception. it is simply a statistic.

In sickness comes pain. Pain is like the dark night. It passes by but it scares us nonetheless. It engulfs us and makes us do irrational things. Pain makes us change, it doesn't leave us with a choice... much like the dark night. It steals our courage, tests our patience and takes our pride.

Pain causes suffering. And suffering is like a thief. It changes us into something we're not. It takes away everything that we are, that we want to be. It takes away hope and love.

Sickness leaves us with nothing. Nothing to hope for, nothing to wish for, nothing to dream of.

Be brave, for braveness will take us through times of darkness
Be patient, for time will heal our hope.

And if it takes away someone close, someone we love. Be strong. Mourn for him. Then live life for him.
September 22, 2008


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