
I wrote an email, the contents were:
Any news on this? We can arrange our meeting next Wednesday if its alright at your end.
I thought for 5 seconds and changed the content.
Any news on this? We can arrange our meeting next Wednesday if its alright with your schedule.
My phobia has not been cured. Anything related with "your end" seems to affect me. Damn government, damn media and damn sodomy.
blog concerns
September 18, 2008


Anonymous said…
LOL @ sodomy.

anyway, misaki ito is *drool*
Jimmy Ang said…
*drool* right? Damn hawt.
Anonymous said…
im now totally a fan of hers. hhaha. superrrrr hawt man. oh and i've just finished watching orange days. heard of it? pretty good but that's if you're into romance show tho.


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