spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3. spiderman 3.
eat spiderman, drink spiderman, sleep spiderman, watch spiderman.
6.15 babes. 6.15. can't wait. OMFG... meletup!
it's gonna be awesome. go watch it yourself! go! go! go! and also.. clubhitz this Friday at Slippery Senoritas.
p/s: a year ago, i was sick of graduation and people asking me the same questions. guess i can now relate to what whackyYin feels.
p/p/s: two years ago, i was still making practical grades and complaining about how bitchy it is. but it was almost over.
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May 1, 2007