
very very busy with work. how to cope?

too many stuffs.

will be MIA for a while. hope you guys don't mind.


p/s: everything under design.. pls gimme a moment. no time this week and next week.
blog concerns
April 18, 2007


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Jimmy Ang said…
this three comments surely made my day more bearable.

i'm dealing with the tyranny of deadlines and there's tremedous amounts of cases in my file waiting to be cleared. it's taxing but i think i can handle it.

keep the lousy spams coming.
Anonymous said…
Er... what was that about? Anyway, blog revamping is a chain reaction thingy, lol.. robin (of robinwong.blogspot) was rite! Hope ur alrite there. Tc.
Anonymous said…
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Jimmy Ang said…
first of all, i'm not from indonesia. second, i never even went into the forum.

third, i can't access or know what i did there cause i can't access it without registering.

this is a state of stolen identity, so... it's not going to be long before i find out what the person impersonating me wrote and delete all of these comments.

thanks. and to all those ppl who commented, urm.... whatever..
Anonymous said…
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