.fucking days.

i hate fucking mondays. it just seems like a day in hell whenever i hear the word "today's Monday."

But then again today's Tuesday. And I hate Tuesday too. Fuck, I think I have a perverse hate for every working day in the freaking calendar.

I hate keeping important documents. they keep getting lost. It's like the fucking documents have a leg ready to spring out whenever i leave it for like a couple of minutes. And then when i come back to check on it, it's lost.

the last time, it was someone's foreign passport. now i think it's my fucking car's legal documents.

there must be some toy story shit going on. only i think it's some kinda document shit. really, i hate these fucking stuffs. i never seem to lose the toilet paper i wash my ass with. in fact it always pop back up in the toilet bowl.

nvm about that, i'm just gonna keep hunting it down till i find it.

and i think the hitz.fm "yes, no, urm.. ahhh... whatever shit" is getting more and more ridiculous. you expect us to submit our names now and wait for their call.. then when they freaking asks us whether "is this jeemee or so and so?"

i'm supposed to say any other shit than "yes" ... if it's just one question, i don't mind the intensity and stupidity of this game but it keeps on.. we can't repeat the answers, can't take our time and our answers must be sensible.

FUCK... it's fucking hard ok? i wonder who could take the fucking prize back?

anyway, some australian crocodile dude (steve irwin) died today. it's on the front page but i haven't read about it yet.

i wonder what the big fuss is all about? so what if he dies? many people die all the time, and he couldn't blame anyone but himself cause he was the one frolicking with all those wild creatures like they're pansy animals with panties.

and to top it all off, he was killed by the one thing i bet he least expected? STINGRAY?

man, i guess all those ikan bakar pari-pari we ate off must've pissed them stingies off. after all these years of oppression, they wanted to make their call heard.

now who dares to fuck with these stingies anymore? even the great croc hunter died in their hands.

but i gotta admit i've learnt a bunch of useless shits from the croc hunter. maybe the info will come in handy and save my life one day... although i highly doubt it but i guess anything can happen...

like getting killed by a hamster.

why don't we have a hamster hunter? then we can learn all those useless facts about hamsters.
forget about it. i was just kidding. been meaning to get some steam off...
September 5, 2006


Anonymous said…
Awww thanx. You looked good too that day. Like a hongkie mafia. Reminds me of that movie Young and Dangerous. lol. Sorry for the cancelled plans. It wasn't really last minute, I promised Sarah earlier but takkan her friends join us right? So I went with them la. LOL.


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