daily dose


February 5, 2010 2
KOKBLOCK = noun, verb, adj...
1. to obstruct sexual activity
E.G. Kawan aku tu sll kokblock aku.
2. kepala pening/sakit
E.G. Kepala aku kena block kok lah
3. to vent frustration
E.G. Aku tak cukup masa buat assignment tu, kokblock betul... babi!
4. To voice disagreement or hatred
E.G. Lampu kereta tu kokblock betul. High beam lagi...
5. To portray beating
E.G. Hang cakap lagi aku bagi kokblock ko baru tahu.

me and my mates just came to a conclusion that kokblock is universal. Big tip of the hat goes to Julie Izor for making us realize it.

Derived from the less useful english term "cockblock".
daily dose
February 5, 2010


Rachel said…
Jimmy, I'm glad you're making full use of the knowledge learned in Discourse Analysis... someone's gonna be real proud of you... =)
Jimmy Ang said…
Always glad to contribute to DBP.