Showing posts from November, 2007

.my worth.

Here's the deal. I read up the following list and see how many of these things I have done. BUT I have to ADD up the money amount along ...


staying at home is one of the most boring activity i can ever think of. i yearn to go back to office this Monday. I miss working. I miss the...


internet is back! woooooot! today, i look at the future beyond me. and every time i ponder upon the uncertain future, i can't help but t...

.Escherichia coli.

Ok, to all those who wanted to know what happened to me, I'll just paste an excerpt from wikipedia. Ain't wikipedia a lifesaver? Esc...

.no updates.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I was drafting one and it is still in my draft box. Anyway I was hospitalized since 12.11.07 up till yesterda...


Dear all, Sorry for not being there. Sorry for not having more time. Sorry for breaking my promises. Sorry for not calling more often. Sorry...
.standing ovation.

.standing ovation.

thanks for the standing ovation. pic courtesy of jollyYeap.


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