.christmas gone and new year resolution.

christmas just passed under my nose. but i got an invitation to a party. just didn't feel like going.

i guess spending time with mom cause no one's there with her is more important for me.

this year, i had chicken pox. and because of that i had to stay at home and watch dvd with mom. i didn't regret a single minute of it. i mean, it's been a long time since i last hang out with mom. god knows, bro never spends more than half an hour in the living room. i think the average hour per day he spends in the living room or outside his room is about 5 minutes.

and sis, sis was always the one spending time with mom, but i think her job has gotten her too. she's working from 9 to 6 and i think she'll only be back by around 7. and during christmas, mom's plan to go to singapore was spoiled by the god damn floods all over south malaysia.

so, i get to spend some time with mom watching dvd. some of those tvb series. christmas wasn't happening this year, but i guess i can always make up for it next year or on new year.

what's more important is making sure my beloved mom was not lonely on this faithful day.

with christmas gone so soon, i guess the next big event is new year. and i guess i need to make some new year's resolution.

you know, those you make but you never kept or realize about until the next year.... yeah.... kinda something like this.

here's my resolution for next year :

1. exercise more.
2. take good care of my "baby"
3. work hard and work smart
4. spend more quality time with family members esp. mom
5. go on a holiday ... anywhere... with friends
6. go on a holiday with family.
7. eat my medication more regularly
8. learn to appreciate the ones beside me.
9. learn to love her more
10. be happy.

there. such an easy list. but although it may look simple, it's actually doing the simple things that are so hard.
daily dose
December 25, 2006


Anonymous said…
Good resolutions. All the best in keeping em. Mine is just a few: Be true to myself and be there for those who matters. ;)


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