Success to many is one big step and one big opportunity given or provided at the right time. That is entirely false.
Success is the culmination of years of hard work and preparation. Years of slogging it out there and making yourself known. Success is all about that 10,000 hours you put before that big opportunity.
I am not successful and at the age of 33 this year I wonder whether it's too late. A lot of people who are younger than me are already successful. That's what I see through social media and the news. The truth couldn't be farther from that. Everyday we hear about the success stories but not the mundane ones, not the ones where people fail. We are not tuned for storytelling about failures and mediocre achievements.
It is true, we are a generation of youngsters who want to achieve something without putting in the hard work. We feel we are owed these achievements because we are promised greatness since young. We forget we grow up with people who work hard for the promises they made to us. They were not brought up with promises but they promised us everything because they want us to be better than them.
We were brought up to believe that studying hard ensures success. We forget that studying is just a small part of our life. We were not taught finances, marketing, management and the benefits of hard work. We have the rest of our lives to make not something wildly successful but to try our best in whatever that was given to us. To work hard in achieving something and I've always believed that if you know what you want and everything you do is in the purpose of achieving that... you will either get it or die trying.
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June 1, 2016