Spend less time chasing more & more time chasing less

I've been changing a bit I think, financially.

Opportunities have been a blessing but I find that as my income increases I spend less. I don't know whether it's because I have a new profound love for money or it's because I'm starting to know how hard it is to earn money.

I've been spending less on luxurious items or things that I want. When I'm presented with commercials of things that I want, I'm always amazed at them and think how cool they are. Then I stop myself and think whether I need them or want them. And then I think about whether it's something that I absolutely love or something that I won't regret having. I find that this process of thinking got me spending less impulsively. Which is a large part of my previous expenditures.

However, don't get me wrong, I'm learning to save not because I want to be rich or because I love money but because there are things I want to experience. Things I want to invest in. People I think I should be able to help when they need it. I've been in situations where people who I love come to me for help and I'm not able to help because I'm not prepared.

I want to change that. I want to be able to spend less and actively know that I have done the best that I can to change myself financially. Don't skimp on the experiences or needs and don't skimp on investing in yourself once in a while. Be constantly aware of what you need, what you should spend on and what you shouldn't have bought.

In hope this is the beginning of a millionaire in the making. :)

Thank you god for everything.
blog concerns
June 10, 2015


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