Day Fifty Two - Manekineko

You know that waving/beckoning cat you see in Japanese stores which symbolize good luck. I used to be in love with them. I think they're soo cute and awesome. I bought them for Menh Chooi and Samantha during their birthdays once and there was none left for me. I planned to keep one for myself but another one of my friend's birthday came up and she was such a lovely gal I gave it to her. It's amazingly cute.

So, in the end I got the miniature version for myself. I forgot where I got them but its been on my shelf ever since.

Which reminds me, that book collection on my shelf has been frozen for ages. Its about time I expand my collection. Recos?

Worth a view in black.

More info on Manekineko
The Manekineko (招き猫, literally "Beckoning Cat") is a common Japanese sculpture, often made of porcelain or ceramic, which is believed to bring good luck to the owner. The sculpture depicts a cat (traditionally a Japanese Bobtail) beckoning with an upright paw, and is usually displayed—many times at the entrance—in shops, restaurants, pachinko parlors, and other businesses - wikipedia.

You strofreakzoids see below: Add in - Flash on 1/2 CTO gel.


Bosan dengan Kuiz MukaBuku.

Si budak ini sudah satu hari ambil kuiz bodoh dari mukabuku. Gua sabar. Gua ambil peluang ini mengeratkan silaturrahim jari telunjuk gua dengan seksyen kiri tetikus gua.

Memang dah erat dah hubungan mereka. Tiap tiap hari bertemu. Tapi gua sabar.

Gua bangun pukul 8.30 pagi sampai pukul 6 petang si budak ini masih lagi ambil kuiz. Takyah kerja ka? Lain kali gua lengkuk dengan stapler atas tangan ini baru dia tahu.

Tambahan pula kebanyakan kuiz yang dia ambil ini bahasa Cina, gua orang Cina tapi tak baca Mandarin. Jangan nak komplen, gua tahu bahasa Jepun kicai dan bahasa Mandarin kicai. Setakat tulisan tu nak baca, kerja sekretari gua.

Tapi hari ini sekretari gua tak leh baca, sebab takkan nak suruh sekretari gua baca mukabuku waktu kerja. Sekretari gua untuk official business aja macam tempah stok tiruan dari China atau terjemahkan kamus B.Mandarin. Tak standard baca mukabuku.

Tepat pukul 6.oo lepas WAKTU kerja gua buka mukabuku. Kuiz budak ini penuh satu laman web mukabuku.

Gua tekan "Sembunyi budak ini". *senyum jahat*
daily dose
May 21, 2009


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