blog concerns

.Goodbye Aifaa.

March 20, 2009 2
more pictures of Aifaa&Beep in my flickr.

Beep left yesterday morning I think. Aifaa will be leaving early tomorrow. I tried to meet up with her just now but she's just too busy. She still looks as fine as the first day I met her in UTM. Me on the other hand, has grown by leaps and bounds. not for the good part, I think.

BTW, I'm now fully running MAC and no longer Windows dependent thanks to Ndru and his crazy lots of pirated collection.

p/s: you can now access this website/blog through
blog concerns
March 20, 2009


aifaa said…
aw jimmy.a whole entry for us... :)
seriously,i'll be back for more.
Jimmy Ang said…
well, don't make me wait too long.