A whole bunch of people were there.. MiniVin, JollyYeap, YolkKee, LovelyYin, SassySoo, ExtremeMeng, JaySee, MikeJackson.. dunno who else. Was too drunk to remember.
But I think I distinctively remember Irene. Dunno... must ask JollyYeap. I think she was cute.. but I guess I was too drunk to remember too. HAHA!
Sorry, forgot about SweetSam and DopeDen.
Had a wonderful time. Couldn't really remember the ride back but hey, I Freaking MADE it BACK! That's all that matters!
Now... to avoid paying Minivin.. HAHA! Surely piss off that fella!
p/s: The nick below was just for fun. Dont intend to use them. Surely hard to remember if I keep changing my frens' nicks.
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February 24, 2008