wow, it seems that this year will be a busy year with another round of events i'm planning to go to.
first of all, there's the Gwen Stefani concert in Bukit Jalil which I am planning to go but the tickets are only sold in KL. This might mean I have to make a trip down to KL just to get the ultra expensive tickets. The entire process just irks me off. But still, it's GWEN. who could resist her?
More info at Axcess.
first of all, there's the Gwen Stefani concert in Bukit Jalil which I am planning to go but the tickets are only sold in KL. This might mean I have to make a trip down to KL just to get the ultra expensive tickets. The entire process just irks me off. But still, it's GWEN. who could resist her?
and then there's the World Music Festival at Botanical, Penang this 20th till 22nd of July. I'm definitely going to be there... the question is just... who wants a piece of the action too? Tixs are priced at RM40 a piece.
More info at Tourism Malaysia.
And then with my new job coming in and I'm basically not allowed to take any annual leave for 6 months... which totally sucks if you ask me. Who the fuck cares right? I'm turning my medical leave into my annual leave. :P
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July 10, 2007
it's gwen stefani can~~~~
but its GWEN STEFANI right?
who can resist.... ohhhh.....