
I'm back from a long tiring day. Just woke up from a deep slumber.

Yesterday was a blast. But it didn't meet expectations. First of all, not many people were in the Paintball competition and it didn't quite meet all the hype.

We had tons of fun though nonetheless. The game was exciting but the foggy masks ruin the experience. Not to mention it was such a dark place that looking at movements were hard enough let alone identifying whether they have surrendered or are sneaking up.

Sorry to all those who have surrendered but still on the receiving wrath of the gun end.
Hey, I was on one too. I was sneaking up on IcyImelda and I was exactly 1 foot behind her without her noticing. So, in the spirit of the game, I asked her to surrender. She took a turn, looked at me... was stunned for a while.... and continued SHOOTING me at short range.

I was jumping and shouting frantically. Thank god the marshalls who were overlooking the place came to my aid in 15 seconds or I would've been black all over.

Paintball at PISA courtesy of PROMEDIA Paintball. 4th Floor of the Multi Level Car Park.

That same night, I sat down at TAO Lounge with miniVin and jollyYeap. it wasn't a very good sight to be playing poker, ginrummy, bla bla bla.. and suddenly have your leg cramp on you. I was twitching like a guy with schizo.

TAO Lounge is a place for people from the working arena looking to have a nice place to chit chat, have a couple of drinks and listen to songs. Basically, its not really a place to club. The interior is chic with a hint of modern taste while the external arena is more down to earth with earthly designs like wooden chairs and tables. But the external blends well with the live band while the internal interior blends well when the DJ spins it.

A very good place to hang out for chats and the drinks are almost well priced.... ALMOST.

TAO Lounge is located on top of Starbucks, Auto City, Juru.

Today, I went to watch Surf's Up with azBOT, desBOT and tomTRON. normaTRON aeroplaned (bailed out) us 1 hour before the agreed time.

Surf's Up was actually refreshing. With a commentary style approach, it didn't set out with a focus on animation or a particular agenda (unlike Shrek 3). It proved a great movie and got me in stitches during some parts. The documentary style approach was certainly refreshing. It's a good movie that doesn't try to astound you with effects or tries too hard with the script. The script is easy and simple with a feel good theme.

I love it to bits. a solid 7/10

p/s: just realized this is a review of Paintball, TAO Lounge and Surf's Up all in one post.
June 24, 2007


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