room raider!see what you can tell about me by my room. i know it's a bit dirty but hey, it's me!

my bedroom. with my side desk and my cupboard on both sides.

this is how it looks like once you enter through the door.

panoramic view. *-^

my bed. quilt cover and bed sheet from ikea. book and toy display rack from ikea.

i don't have much collection on books but it's growing. :)

the smallest cinema in the world.

my cupboard content. nothing much. i packed most of the stuff into the suitcase for tonight's trip.

the contents in the desk drawer.

the corner.

i plan to make this place more.... filled. but for now, it's still an empty space.
budokid : thanks.
pei chen : only some accessories are from ikea k? but i agree with u on the comfy part.
leen : wtf? hey, i'm not that neat but i'm not that dirty too! it's not new. been living here for like... 2 years and a half. and i swear i din clean it just for these lousy pics.
ecot : u broke my heart.
besides, i charge by the minute.
*need for control
*yet romantic
*appreciates order and beauty
*might be a Libra
*you see your room as your sanctuary
*hiding a passionate nature beneath strong self-control
*possibly violent if angered
Yes I know this is totally random and most likely wrong, I was just playing therapist. :)
Found your blog some time ago just googling something up...and I've looked in from time to time. :)
i think you got everything almost spot on.. except the being a Libra part.
I'm a Cancerian.
wow.... you gotta teach me these tricks sometime.