.dog food loving monster.

Yesterday was JoavialAnn's Birthday! A big shoutout to her.

Anyway, yesterday I didn't do much. But I taught tuition though.

FairyAnne and PirateJoe came for tuition a bit earlier than usual.

I gave them 15 minutes of rest in between and they decided to use it by playing with my shih tzu, Baby.

FairyAnne suddenly said "Eh, teacher... Can I taste the dog food ah?"

I answered "Cannot"

"Maybe nice leh?"


Must have been the previous jerky syndrome.

I forgot to blog about the incident past week when I gave her a small piece of dog jerky and asked her to hold on to it.

She was supposed to use it to feed the dog.

But before I can give further instructions.... it was already in her mouth.

I stopped her in the nick of time.... but not too early cause her tongue tasted the jerky..

i instructed her to wash her mouth... but she did manage to quip in a few words before washing her mouth..

"quite nice leh"


I've created a dog food loving monster. And I realized that when her curiousity about the taste of dog food got the better of her senses.
November 23, 2006


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