.moving templates.

i'm working with a beta version of the new blogger. will finish designing it after my convocation hopefully.

there's blog labels (kinda like categories) but i've just completed the latest 300 posts. there's still a bunch more of them but i can't complete them now. and the html edit code is still incomplete for now. blogger beta must've been working on the new update so keep in touch. anything you ppl out there want to ask b4 moving to the new beta version, feel free to ask.

i took down the shoutbox soon too cause there's too much spam going on there, anything you all wanna shout out to me... use the comment link.

got pretty tired of the old layout. i mean, it has been soooooooo fucking long since i did a new template.
blog concerns
August 20, 2006


Anonymous said…

I've got an option to upgrade my blog but I wonder if I'll have problems since I'm using a customized template and not one of Blogger defaults.

Also why are all your post titles between full stops?

I wonder if I should upgarde since I've been waiting for ages for the Categories & Labels.

So how do you like the beta version?
Jimmy Ang said…
well, i've looked at your blog and there is a problem for custom html code edits as blogger is still upgrading their versions.

so, it might be wise to wait it out, especially the customize html feature. if you're in doubt, save all your html codes when you edit your template, then go upgrade it by selecting a new template. once you're in, select the edit layout and select edit html. then, revert to classic template so that you can re-paste all your html codes back in.

however, with this classic template, you can't use the page elements but the labels aka categories should be ok now.

my post titles are between full stops cause i make it that way. *-^

i love the beta version but only if they come out with the edit html code feature. cause i want to redesign a lot of the things here.

peace out, hope it helps.
Anonymous said…
you mean the beta version doesnt allow ppl to customise their template? (btw, I'm dragging u in the bryanboy pic! :P)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the reply.

It sounds so complicated. Guess I'll wait till later.

I have other blogs using default templates but I don't have the upgrade option yet *sigh*
Jimmy Ang said…
LEEN : the raw editing function is a COMING SOON function, so for now, it's still unavailable.

crap: yeah, better to wait it off.


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