.non-conformist victory.

i know i said i'm not going to blog and i'm on a hiatus until sunday but let's just imagine that i'm fucking bored out of my balls here.

anyway, yesterday was ... let me guess a tuesday. yeah, and i decided to go to this room where they keep all the collection of thesis. No doubt, like any other room in UTM, it needs to be supervised. However, the supervision in my faculty is done by an absolute complete moron who have no social skills whatsoever.

I can't really blame him since he's cooped up in that room everyday and no one talks to him. the room is kind of like a library and being the sole guardian, he's pretty fucked up alone. whenever i go into the room, i open the door, and...


i am greeted by his miser looking fucking face. His mouth looks like it's about to spew shit. the degree of blackness in his face surpasses the colour black. if black is the new fashion, then he must be the coolest guy in town. i mean, i would've taken a picture of him but my current hp doesn't allow silent picture taking.

anyway, the other day i was following all the normal dressing code... except for sandals of course. i was just being comfortable. and besides, it wasn't any formal occasion. i just wanted to go in there to read up on previous researches and do some reviews.

As i walked in, he was being quiet and all. and there was this bunch of girls wearing all black inside there. I dunno but i guess they're all from the same gang. Anyway, I ignored the fucker's black face and continued in. for the first five seconds, it was ok.... until he called out to me..

"WOI! selipar tak boleh masuk. keluar, keluar"

I immediately gave him two thumbs up and continued out. I knew I was going to get my revenge but i just din know how.

when i went out, the girls was looking at me in some pitiful state.

And then, a couple of guys were going in after i went out. they were wearing selipars too. without a doubt, they were out faster than i could say "smackarrooo".

i was walking around outside the room when i noticed my friend. And OMFG, he was wearing shoes.

I borrowed his shoes and OMFG, it was a perfect fit. fuck, that fella's gonna get it from me!

I went in again, this time, with shoes. I passed by him and he kept quiet. I believe the word for him is DUMBFOUNDED!

and then, as i walked in with a triumphant look, the girls were giggling and sniggering.

i guess it's a battle well won by the non-conformist!

fuck milk! drink beer!

i mean, i have nothing against rules but students should have their own working space. i understand rules agains taking drugs, parking, drunk-driving, fucking, smoking and whatever the fuck. but rules that constrain our creativity and our comfort are what fucks me up the most.

i mean, this year, or maybe last year, they had this rule that students must wear formal attire every monday. who the fuck gives a shit if it is monday. i want to wear what is comfortable to my class and it's only a couple of hours and then i'm back. the canteens don't provide us with air-con unlike working places so... why the fuck do you want to force us to wear something which is uncomfortable and will make us sweat like pigs. fuck you administration bastards in your air-conditioned hell holes.

They propose all this idealistic shit rules but they never get the reality intact. WTF is wrong with these people? if something ain't broken, don't mess with it. fuckheads!

the next thing you know, the administration will ask us to wear coats on monday which will lead to strokes. believe me, if the heat won't give me one, the anger will!

well, at least i fucked up someone's brain yesterday! yeah! don't mess with the JEE!

blue jackal (read comments) asked me to insert pictures into this post.. so here it goes...

have a good day mates! :)
March 8, 2006


Jimmy Ang said…
wtf? are you retarded or something... do you have sort of attention span deficiency?

p/s: i'll take your suggestion into consideration.
akmj said…
way to go jimmy! I support you!!! hehe... :) i only dress "properly" if i have to enter the library or any office in utm, otherwise, it's WHAT I FEEL LIKE WEARING :)
Oh ya, the guy in the psm room - the other day he stopped me from taking my file, i was like wtf(i gave him a blank look lah, of course i didn't say wtf)? he said "ada orang curi psm dengan fail"... so i had to leave my file, and take out ALL MY PAPERS...
Jimmy Ang said…
stop reading my blog and go do your PSM ok, Angela?
Anonymous said…
neh bo mai lah,show him the finger.....lucikly fke psm room is watched by a "kak"...i use my eyes electrocute her before i go in....
akmj said…
cannot ka? i only read ur blog when i need a break la, u think i lepak online is it? ok loh, i shall stop reading ur blog from now on
Jimmy Ang said…
ah pom pom : you nasib baik har!

angela : dun lar merajuk. kidding ok. you know me.... :P
akmj said…
jimmy: sorry ah, ada orang pms ni... ;) thousand apologies :)
Anonymous said…
Haha! Wat a freakshow. He needs to get laid, that's all. Then maybe he would loosen up a bit.

Trust this uni to come up with retarded rules. I guess sooner or later one of the students is gonna die of a heatstroke.


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