i am tired of listening to the dog barking outside. it's my neighbour's dog.
it's constantly kept in a cage and i doubt it even goes out to the compound once a day. maybe more like once a year. the cage is very small and barely enough for 2 dogs inside.
sometimes i wish i can take an M-16 and shoot hundreds of bullets into the dog so that i could end his misery. but then, i'd be too cruel right?
fuck cruelty to all those animal and shit. i'm actually putting it out of its misery.
i used to adore dogs.
now my neighbour has one which is freaking noisy. and my other neighbour has two ugly dogs...
these two dogs has too much freedom. the fucking owner lets the dog roam around the neighbourhood eating people's shoes and dustbins during the night. The whole neighbourhood is pissed off at the dogs and i once scolded them for letting their dog out biting people's stuffs. They refuse to admit that it was their dog.
Fuck you idiots, ok? it is your dog and i saw it. The family never feeds their dogs (according to a reliable source) and that's why they let them roam around finding food.
dei, got no money pls don rear dogs ok?
some of the people here called MPJBT and asked them to come and catch these dogs. apparently, they go back into the compound of the house once they smell the MPJBT dog catchers.
i really need to do something, where can i buy an M-16 rifle?
like i said, whatever happened to cute puppy lovey dovey dogs like this?
it's constantly kept in a cage and i doubt it even goes out to the compound once a day. maybe more like once a year. the cage is very small and barely enough for 2 dogs inside.
sometimes i wish i can take an M-16 and shoot hundreds of bullets into the dog so that i could end his misery. but then, i'd be too cruel right?
fuck cruelty to all those animal and shit. i'm actually putting it out of its misery.
i used to adore dogs.
now my neighbour has one which is freaking noisy. and my other neighbour has two ugly dogs...
these two dogs has too much freedom. the fucking owner lets the dog roam around the neighbourhood eating people's shoes and dustbins during the night. The whole neighbourhood is pissed off at the dogs and i once scolded them for letting their dog out biting people's stuffs. They refuse to admit that it was their dog.
Fuck you idiots, ok? it is your dog and i saw it. The family never feeds their dogs (according to a reliable source) and that's why they let them roam around finding food.
dei, got no money pls don rear dogs ok?
some of the people here called MPJBT and asked them to come and catch these dogs. apparently, they go back into the compound of the house once they smell the MPJBT dog catchers.
i really need to do something, where can i buy an M-16 rifle?
like i said, whatever happened to cute puppy lovey dovey dogs like this?

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February 10, 2006