.fuck you high class bitches.

some people can just be so obnoxious (also bitchy!).

you see, i study in a ... urm... less than glamorous course focusing on education and just because "you" bitch/asshole study in an engineering or whatever the fuck mechanical fucking course doesn't make you any better than I am.

It doesn't even give you the fucking right to look down upon other less glamorous course dwellers or whatever the fuck.

It's something akin to studying in science stream vs studying in arts stream. Whoever says the one studying in science stream has a better future can kick themselves in the balls or vagina. I don't fucking care.

Most people who study in engineering courses or even mechanical courses are not out of interest, they do it because of their friends or their parents or even for the fucking name.

Rarely do people have the interest and desire to work in the particular field that they choose to major in. I, mean those who study in privates would most probably be an exception since they choose their course but in a fucking poor government university... the courses choose you. And you go there because you either need to or have to. If not, I would have just enrolled PRIVATE. cause I know the life there is much fucking more happening and better than here in this university.

The chicks here sucks. Everywhere I go, I see big t-shirts and jeans. Whatever happened to fashion sense. Come on, just because you study in a guy laden course doesn't mean you have to look like a man too?

there's no such thing as an ugly woman, only lazy woman.

and whoever looks down upon me today will be remembered. cause god knows if i am succcessful one day, I will lay my wrath upon you like hell's fiery fire.

but right now... I can just keep my mouth shut and rant in this insignificant blog.

I am ranting because one of my subjects for my PSM was obnoxious and her data wasn't even valid. She can't even read instructions. She's dumb and she thinks she's soooooooo happening.

I should've known, you can't really expect much from uneducated rich bimbos. They're full of attitude ala Paris.
February 24, 2006


Admin said…
uh oh. jimmy is angry.
Anonymous said…
i LOVe that saying!!! There are no ugly women, only lazy women!! wooot!!
Anonymous said…
anonymous was me! sorry.
Anonymous said…
Yes, they should learn from me. The real high class bitch. :P. U have to admit though, there aint much to dress up in UTM for. Not like there are hot guys to impress... except for the Arabs maybe.
akmj said…
aileen: agree with you
jimmy: Yeah, detest those ppl too... At the end of the day, you know who CONTROLS the engineers and has within their power to mess with their paychecks? Haha, the very human resource ppl that they look down upon!!! ;)
Boss Stewie said…
wahh relak jimmy..ban ban laii....

i'm sure u'll feel better tomorrow
Anonymous said…
Angela: You agree that I'm a high class bitch or that there aint much to dress up for in UTM? LOL
akmj said…
aileen: umm... both? *runs helter-skelter for life* ;-)


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