chicken little just came out yesterday in malaysia. however, being the no.1 movie in the USA has spearheaded a good start for fans here in Malaysia.

the movie is in a word, funny. yes, the people in disney tried really hard to incorporate this part.
the characters are cute but there was no real graphic revolution here. it was .. urm.. normal lar.
anyway, the movie is a good family movie. however it lacks intellectual processing (since it's a kid movie, whaddaya expect!).
overall, i'd give this movie a solid 6/10 just for being funny!

After Chicken Little causes widespread panic--when he mistakes a falling acorn for a piece of the sky--the young chicken is determined to restore his reputation. But just as things are starting to go his way, a real piece of the sky lands on his head. Chicken Little and his band of misfit friends, Abby Mallard (aka Ugly Duckling), Runt of the Litter and Fish Out of Water, attempt to save the world without sending the town into a whole new panic.the movie started off very nicely but predictably. however, as it progresses on, i was beginning to feel like it was a teen lovey dovey flick. thank god it wasn't.

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November 12, 2005
the fish was awesome and the porcupine was cool!