girls are weird. how come they say this one is nice?WEB 1WEB 2Which one more cun har? WEB 1 or WEB 2? bullshit help Share related posts bullshit September 1, 2005 6 Comments Anonymous said… aih i prefer the first one lahh i think the 2nd one will look much nicer if theres no watermark? (itu http://jeemee bla bla) :P Jimmy Ang said… of course lar the original design no watermark... so you prefer the 1st one?1 vote for web 1. Lisan said… I prefer web 2, because the colour's sweeter, if the cute pirana fish in web 1 can be put in web 2 will be superb. LOL! Jimmy Ang said… lisan : at last! a sensible and tasty (as in got taste) gal!yeah, the piranha fish is cute but it won't fit into the web 2 theme. :)thanks 1 for web11 for web2 akmj said… *hands at waist**stares at jimmy ang chiew chuan*how dare you poke fun at our template? my group member slogged like hell k?*satisfied*hey jimmy i'm kidding lah... not angry, just amused ;-) Jimmy Ang said… mildred.. you must be a girl too! argh! this is getting too much for me. :)
i think the 2nd one will look much nicer if theres no watermark? (itu http://jeemee bla bla)
1 vote for web 1.
yeah, the piranha fish is cute but it won't fit into the web 2 theme. :)
1 for web1
1 for web2
*stares at jimmy ang chiew chuan*
how dare you poke fun at our template? my group member slogged like hell k?
hey jimmy i'm kidding lah... not angry, just amused ;-)