. review of blogword.

well, for the first time, the ability to blog through ms words got me excited and tingling until my lampa also enlarged by 2 times. so i installed and wanted to try this shit out.

after installing, there's this toolbar that appears on top of your page. it allows options like publish and edit. i typed in my post and inserted an image. i wanted to tag my image but found it very hard cause i can't edit the html tags. ended up giving it my middle finger after some futile attempts to insert tag.

and then i pressed the publish button. after some time, it asks me for the title of the post. i was excited and typed in the title. works man! h yeah, i have to type in the title cause i changed the option for automatically generate title to , NO PLEASE! i want my titles the way i want them.

however, after publishing and refreshing my blogger page... alamak, no picture! this one i cannot tahan! mahai! no picture where got interesting. donch wan to fren you lar blogword. eat yourself!

Technorati.tag : blogword , blogger , google , microsoft , jee mee , jimmy
August 19, 2005


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