.Blog Day 2005.

Yes, it's the BlogDay Celebration. A day where we celebrate about us bloggers.

now, i don't have much places to talk about. those that i know, you know.

so i tried to find a few that interests me but i only a found a small handfull.

first of all, the first and foremost blog i will be publicizing is this photolog:
Odds and Ends

the place is created by Lim Zhi Xin. The photolog is unique in a way that there is always an image representing the whole blog. which is why i love it. the image is nicely captured nd looks professional. no dobt i'm a sucker for pictures. but the way we capture and describe images is what i love. he seems to do it perfectly with a blending beauty in both.
The second blog is this :
A HbA1C of my life.

This is someone i know, he just started blogging. Don't be too hard on him. and it's nice to see people venturing into the blogging culture. Give him some support. That way, he'll know he's out there with all of us bloggers. :)
The third is a very weird one.
Sexy Girls Pic

Now, I'm not a perverted bastard but this site really caught my attention? why? cause the author finds images of cun chicks, tag it as his own and paste it into his blog. i wonder whether he really did take those pictures.
but this is a wonderful place to check out cute chicks. give the fella some support and then we might get more doses of his chicks. believe me, his chicks all passed my QC test. So, this site is QC certified by ME!

The fourth blog i am pimping is a blog by a friend of mine. She's a real happening girl.

Yes, that's what she calls herself although she's nothing like the chao ahlian. well, sometimes she is but most of the time, nah! hehe!

I can't reveal much of her cause i'm afraid she'll strangle me. :) but go check out her site.
the last blog i'm pimping is a very long blog that I have known since even before i started blogging.

She writes in Multiply, she's a teacher, she's cute. What more can I say... just ask her to move to blogger or some other blogging software though, cause multiply skin sucks. no offense to multiply programming and designing department. :)
There you have it! 5 bloggers, 5 great links and hopefully we'll all know each other by the end of the day.
Spread the word/links!

Technorati.tag : BlogDay05 , 3108 , Blog Day , jee mee , jimmy
August 30, 2005


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